“It matters what stories make worlds, what worlds make stories”
Story:Lab is a visual storytelling method and process that explores and communicates transformative stories with people instead of about people.
It is a method that has been developed as part of various research projects and that is inspired by research fields such as participatory design (Binder & Brandt, 2008, Lindström & Ståhl 2014), collaborative design fiction (Markussen and Knutz 2018), theory on the transformative aspects of aesthetic practice (Austring and Sørensen 2006, Padfield 2017) and approaches such as photo voice (Wang & Burris 1994) and phototherapy (Loewenthal 2013).
Whether working with Story:Lab on individual level, in groups or in companies the ambition is to tell stories about the past and present that effect the future.
We have in various collaborations worked with NGOs, companies and on individual level. It's a process that creates transformation on both personal or institutional levels.
The stories that emerges from these labs will manifest a film, a photo series or a printed publication.
We love to collaborate, so please reach out for more information!
Story:Lab Kolding Stadsarkiv. DSKD.
Story:Lab Forsorgsmuseet. KEA.
Story:Lab Kvarterhuset. Frederiksberg Forende Boligselskaber, Frederiksberg Kommune og Landsbyggefonden.