“Den Blå Bog” is a project developed in collaboration with the Danish Welfare Museum in Svendborg and their project "Fra Udsat Til Værdsat", where the museum collaborates with people who have experienced social vulnerability during periods of their lives. In connection with this project, Stine Behrendtzen and I were initiators and developers, as well as facilitators of a series of Story:Labs. Through evocative design tasks, the participants were invited to translate their life experiences into pictures, collages, photographs and words. One result of these story:labs was a photo book that we designed and published in collaboration with 13 of the participants. The project is a KEA research and development project.
”Den Blå Bog” er et projekt udviklet i samarbejde med Dansk Forsorgsmuseum i Svendborg og deres projekt ”Fra Udsat Til Værdsat”, hvor museet samarbejder med mennesker, der i perioder af deres liv har oplevet social sårbarhed. I forbindelse med dette projekt var jeg og Stine Behrendtzen, initiativtager til og udvikler, samt facilitator på en serie Story:Labs. Deltagerne blev gennem stemningsfulde designopgaver inviteret til at omsætte deres livserfaringer til billeder, collager, fotografier og ord. Et resultat fra disse story:labs blev en fotobog, som vi designede og udgav i samarbejde med 13 af deltagerne.